Upcoming Field Trips

Field Trip Day One
Next, they will have fun on the sledding hill and an old-fashioned snowball fight!
Menu for the 21st
Breakfast: provided by the Summit Family
Lunch: sack lunch and snacks provided by the Summit Family
Dinner: spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, broccoli, apple pie

Field Trip Day Four
This is the last day at the house on the beach. Students will rise early to a hearty breakfast to prepare them for a day of beachcombing and critter watching.
After a short class on beachcombing, students will load their things in the van and set off for the day. They will travel to South Beach where it is known to have lots of fossils, shells, and agates. When the students have completed their exploring and collecting, they will get in the van for the trip home.
Students will be returned to their families at their school in time for pickup.
Menu for the 24th
Breakfast: Pancakes with fruit sauce, nut butter, syrup, fruit, sausages
Lunch: rice and egg rolls in a box
Dinner: at home with Summit Family.

Field Trip Day Two
The students will awaken to a beautiful sunrise on the ocean.
After a hearty breakfast, Summit staff will take all of the students exploring!
There will be a stop for lunch that has been pre-prepared for them by Summit staff.
Menu for the 22nd
Breakfast: Oatmeal, toast with jam, fruit sauce, sausages
Lunch: deli turkey and ham sandwiches, snacks
Dinner: fried rice with chicken, ramen, Asian salad, cinnamon rolls

Field Trip Day Three
This morning will be a bit slower. After breakfast, students will have a class on the lighthouses in the area as well as the purposes of the lighthouses.
There will also be a class on some of the marine life that may be seen throughout the day.
When class is over students will drive to the two lighthouses which are in Newport, Oregon. The first is Yaquina (pronounced ya-kwi-na) Bay which is located in the town of Newport. The students may not go inside the Yaquina Bay lighthouse due to reconstruction. It is no longer in use, being discontinued in 1874, but still stands for us to see. It was replaced by the Yaquina Head lighthouse which is still in use. The students may catch a view of some whales off the coast.
Before the next stop, at Yaquina Head lighthouse, students will have a lunch prepared by Summit staff. There, the lighthouse is being restored and visitors are unable to see inside but there is a museum which has many historical exhibits and games for the students.
Students may then hike along the coast before coming home to a delicious dinner. For any still wanting some fun there are the usual hot tub, movie, games or walk.
Menu for the 23rd
Breakfast: tomato eggs, bacon, biscuits, fruit
Lunch: sandwiches of burgers with snacks
Dinner: mashed potatoes, Salisbury steak, gravy, pumpkin pie